Room05) 邱昭財 Chiu, Chao-Tsai

台北/ Taipei

複合媒材/互動裝置 multiple media/interctive installation
170×91×105cm, 2008

請坐,準備來一段演奏,當轉動旋把,珠粒便自上方開始滾落,朝向下方的各個孔洞,並連動敲響某個音階,在這始與末間的過程中,珠粒不斷地作著二分選擇,1/2.1/2.1/2 …,無法掌控的軌跡,不可預測的機遇,一串接連,便成了這曲。

Have a seat. Prepare some music. When turning the handle, beads run down from the top, make some tunes and fall into holes. From the beginning to end, beads make 1/2 choices: 1/2, 1/2, 1/2…. With uncontrollable trace and unpredictable probability, beads fall one string by one string and this song is composed.

Have a seat, please. Prepare some music. When turning the handle, beads fall down from the top, make some tunes and fall into holes. From the beginning to end, beads make 1/2 choices: 1/2, 1/2, 1/2…. With uncontrollable trace and unpredictable probability, beads fall one string by one string and this song is composed.